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Mind the Gap!

November 7 marks the launch of Solent Mind's Mind the Gap, a campaign design to help access for all to our mental health services.

Having someone to talk to can make all the difference to our Mental Health. But for many of us, that is not the case. There are nearly 2 million people living in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and we know that 350,000 people are experiencing a mental health problem every year. That is 1 in 5 of us.  

Solent Mind is at the forefront of change, focusing on those who typically fare worst in the mental health system and who present with significant needs, often at the intersections of marginalised communities.  

The Mind the Gap campaign aims to bridge disparities in Solent Mind’s services, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background, understands there is support available to them. 

To reach those often left behind, we need your help. You can:

Join the fight to bridge the gap in Mental Health Support. Your support can change lives.  

If you want to help support this campaign, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram. Share our posts and help raise awareness.

If you run a business and want to make a difference, find more information on becoming a corporate partner, or booking a session with our workplace wellbeing training team.

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